Sunday, February 21, 2010

A New Addiction

It's called Tiger Woods Online. And it's so much fun. I feel like it has the potential to suck away many hours of homework doing. Just to clarify, it is a golf game not know. Tiger Woods thing.

On another note, who watched Tiger Woods's apology this past weekend? Goodness that was honestly painful to watch.

I don't really blame him for seeming awkward and uncomfortable. I don't imagine he's had a lot of practice having to be open and actually talk to people given his status as golf prodigy turned probably legend. And when you're giving a public statement for cheating on your wife with a myriad of women, comfort is not on the top of the priority list.

But still he just sounded so wooden and robotic, even for a scripted speech, it was really hard to listen to. Was he sincere? Of course I don't know for sure, but I just can't fully trust a supposed meeting with the media with no questions asked. And the fact that Tiger tried to go on the offensive when there are still so many unanswered questions about what happened that night and what is going on with him was actually kind of insulting. I mean the whole incident was so unusual and surrounded in secrecy and the fact that he waited until late February to talk about something that happened over Thanksgiving certainly didn't help any.

And what is up with this whole sex addiction thing? I'm not a scientist or anything but to me addiction isn't just something you like a lot but something you can't keep yourself from even if you know better or try to. Let's not pretend that Tiger is the first or only professional athlete (or man for that matter) who's slept around with many women while married. If he just had a lot of sex all the time with his wife, that would have been more indicative of a sex addiction than what he did. Having all those affairs doesn't make him an addict, much less a victim, just an unfaithful SOB.

EDIT: Two ESPN columns that I think do a good job of portraying the two different camps concerning Tiger's apology.

Bill Simmons talking about how Tiger's still playing by his own rules.
Gene Wojciechowski saying that Tiger's statement was sincere and a good start.

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