A few nights ago I went outside after some studying to try to catch some of the Leonid Meteor Shower. I guess it was supposed to be sort of a big deal or something, I honestly don't know. I was hoping I could go out somewhere where it was a little darker, but I had a fairly important test the next morning so I figured it wouldn't have been the best idea.
Anyway while I was walking outside I kind of remembered going to Astrocamp in 5th grade. We learned all about planets and spacecrafts and of course the stars. It was really cool just to be out there away from the city and being able to look up into the night sky and see all the stars and constellations clearly. We got to take a closer look at some of these stars and planets with the telescopes and other things they had there which was awesome.
This time was a little different though. There was still a decent amount of light pollution so I wasn't able to see the sky too clearly. I think I may have caught a few shooting stars but that could have easily just been my mind playing tricks on me.
But while I was out there I realized I hadn't gone and just looked at the stars in a while. I marveled at what I could see, picking out any of the constellations I could remember. It really does look like a canvas up there, stretching out infinitely and enveloping the earth.
God's creation is so amazing and incredible and sometimes it takes something like a meteor shower or going out to see the mountains and canyons to remind us of that. But what about what we encounter each day? The night sky or even just a simple tree or plant. These are so commonplace to us that it's easy to forget what a miracle even these little things are.
Our world is pretty messed up and corrupted, but still, it's one of the most beautiful things in this universe, perfectly created and fine-tuned. Sometimes I forget, but all it takes to remind me is a simple look to the sky.
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