I think it's funny how crazy and sheep-like people get at athletic events. All the chanting and cheering and yelling and general hoopla surrounded with supporting your favorite team is wild and fun both to watch and be a part of.
One of my favorite aspects of the fan mentality is how a fan will follow and go nuts over just about anything that's on the scoreboard. You all know what I'm talking about. Any time the huge screens implore the fans to "make noise" or "get crazy" they always do even if they have no idea what's going on in the game or even if the moment is not really appropriate for a bunch of noise. And let's not forget those little games they have like having an animated race between three anthropomorphized objects. Whether it's cars or condiments, it seems like everyone has a favorite and roots loudly throughout the race. The enthusiasm is so much that it's easy to forget that it's completely predetermined. Then there's always the hidden ball shuffle game or some variation on it which is another classic.
The other thing that comes to mind when I'm thinking about fans is how badly people want free things. Whether it's a mascot throwing out items or cheerleaders launching them from air cannons, crowds never fail to congregate around the general area where the souvenirs are being aimed. Everyone jumps up and down waving their arms desperately hoping to get their fingers on some shirt or stuffed object or whatever happens to be up for grabs. It always amuses me to see people sitting in hundred dollar seats going wild over the possibility of getting a $10 t-shirt for free.
Fans are funny, silly, dumb, and awesome, separately and all at once. They, or we rather, are a vital part of the experience of going to a live sporting event. I wouldn't have it any other way.
GO SUNS!!!-Anthony Gee