I do like blogging. I didn't care much when my Xanga died, I mean really died, crushed by months upon months of inactivity. But now that I think of it, it is nice to have a place to write down whatever random thoughts or questions I may have.
Enter this uniquely generic blogspot. I feel the name is in and of itself already uniquely generic. I've always been amused by those who think they're pioneers or at the least being clever with various things from jokes to ideas to (yes, even) blog names. Of course I've been guilty of this in the past so why not just tackle it head on and admit that yes, this will be a generic blog, yet maybe in a way you haven't seen before, kind of like the title. What that means I have no idea, but I have every intention of trying to find out.
What can you expect from this? Interesting question, seeing as I have no idea what the audience for this blog will be like, or if there will even be an audience. Updates from my life come to mind as a probable topic. Not that my life is so very interesting, but now that I'm living away from home, it might be a nice way to keep in touch with California friends or a way for my Arizona friends to get to know me a little more. I'm sure my thoughts regarding various interests will pop up here and there too. What kind of interests do those include? Anything from music to mixed martial arts to movies is fair game. I don't discriminate. Except in the case of race and ethnicity.
But I kid. I'm sure my random thoughts will find a way to surface from the mostly empty cavern that is my brain and find life on this blog. These can pretty much be anything. After all, they wouldn't be very random if they were confined to a particular subject.
Well look at the start we're off to, "we" being of course me, the writer, and you, the (imaginary?) reader(s, if I'm lucky).
And so with all due respect to the famed former UFC referee, let's get it on.
you forgot an interest. celebrities. lol.